fn main() {

Hi, my name is

Lorenzo Larghi

Welcome to my IDE (neovim, btw)

I'm a software engineer with 4+ years of experience in backend development, slowly moving to Cloud Architect. I've some experience in Artificial Intelligence and I've also enjoyed the Web3 ride.

Yes, this is not very pretty.
Yes, I don't have Linkedin.
Please, just

see what I do


const ABOUT = (person: problems[ ]) => {

Hi there, nice to meet you! Welcome to my IDE, this is what I see for 15 hours a day: #gruv.

I hold a bacheloer degree in Computer Science and I'm starting to acquire the classical Cloud certifications. Here you can find a nice TLDR, but in the upper right corner you can also download my CV.

Languages: C#, Rust, Python, Kotlin, C++, TS. Experience: .NET, EF, Docker, Kubernetes, ArgoCD, Jenkins, DataDog, Redis, Kafka, ElasticSearch, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Spring Boot, OAuth, CI/CD, Linux and IIS. Cloud: AWS, GoogleCloud.

profile picture
profile picture

I don't always work like this, but this picture really speaks about me. This is when I'm the most happy: in my little house, plants and my Italian style making do.

Other few details about me.

1) Yes, you saw right, I don't need a mouse, because I use neovim btw.
2) I hate to use external libraries: you will see me mantain in-house libraries for all those little things.
3) For this, I love to develop internal tools or DX related software.


interface work {

role: string

company: string

from-to: Date

tasks: Obsession[ ]


Backend developer



11-2023 - current

  • Developed PubSub services for the real time monitor of energy and fueling transactions.

  • Increased delivery latency health by 50%, by tweaking EF db calls performance.

  • CI/CD pipelines maintainer; DataDog team for better observability.

Backend developer

LINKS Foundation


01-2023 - 11-2023

  • On-prem Linux system administration and maintainer of different deeptech services.

  • PM for European project proposals, system design, code reviews, mentorship of junior hires

  • Secured funding through successful grant application and technical delivery (INCIT-EV).

ALEXA Developer



08-2022 - 10-2022

  • Developed Alexa skills for an Amazon sub-contractor company.

  • Tasks: conversational designer, API, Jovo framework contributions...

Backend Developer



01-2022 - 07-2022

  • Developed the first GPT like customizable virtual assistant (Alexa) in the blockchain ecosystem.

  • Coded the core API, target of thousands of concurrent users on public demo launch.

Fullstack Developer



09-2018 - 01-2022

  • Mutiple-year research grant as a young academic promise.

  • Development of web and mobile apps that bring together AI and psychology.

var experiences = make([ ]project, tooMany


class CONTACT {

Get in touch

Currently employed @SHAPE, but I enjoy coding more than everything else, so if you have an idea please contact me through the channels below. I'm always down for some trickyaibullshitweb3app.





fork an awesome GRUVEE template